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    "warnings": {
        "query": {
            "*": "Formatting of continuation data has changed. To receive raw query-continue data, use the 'rawcontinue' parameter. To silence this warning, pass an empty string for 'continue' in the initial query."
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                    "value": "20160729202105",
                    "timestamp": "2016-07-29T20:21:05Z",
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                    "timestamp": "2016-08-21T11:31:21Z",
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                    "timestamp": "2016-08-21T12:03:03Z",
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                    "timestamp": "2016-08-21T13:42:09Z",
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                    "title": "001 Heberf\u00fcller, Friedrich"
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                    "timestamp": "2016-09-08T12:53:41Z",
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                    "timestamp": "2016-09-08T13:20:35Z",
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                    "timestamp": "2016-09-08T13:20:58Z",
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                    "value": "20160908132100",
                    "timestamp": "2016-09-08T13:21:00Z",
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                    "title": "117 Handpumpe, Valentin"